Statements made by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson [July 8, 2024]

Statements made by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson [July 8, 2024]

Statements made by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson [July 8, 2024]

France strongly condemns massive Russian missile strikes (July 8, 2024)

France strongly condemns this morning’s massive Russian missile strikes against a number of civilian targets in Ukraine, including the Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital in Kyiv, leaving more than 20 dead and 40 wounded, according to current information.

These barbaric actions – the direct, deliberate attack on a children’s hospital – must be added to the list of war crimes for which Russia must be held accountable.

This attack tragically reminds us of the reasons for continuing and scaling up our support for Ukraine. As the European leaders reiterated at the June 27th Council of Europe meeting, Russia cannot and must not win this war.

Israel/Palestinian Territories
Israeli announcements concerning settlements

France strongly condemns the recent Israeli decisions concerning settlements in the Palestinian Occupied Territories, particularly Israel’s official recognition of five new settlements, the approval of construction plans for an additional 5,000-plus housing units in several West Bank settlements, and the Israeli government’s seizure of almost 3,000 acres of land in the Jordan Valley.

In their magnitude and their consequences for peace and stability in the West Bank and the region, these decisions by the Israeli government are deeply concerning. Since 2003, the Israeli authorities have approved plans to build more than 20,000 new housing units in a number of settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and have seized more than 5,600 acres of land. These figures are unprecedented since the Oslo Accords.

Israeli settlements in the Palestinian Territories, including East Jerusalem, constitute a violation of international law. In addition to representing a major obstacle to any just and lasting peace, this policy heightens tensions on the ground at a time when settler violence toward the Palestinian population is on the rise.

Release of political prisoners

France takes note of the release of several Belarusian political prisoners. It encourages Belarus to continue on this path in order to comply with its international commitments regarding human rights and fundamental liberties.

France reaffirms its solidarity with the people of Belarus. It calls on the authorities to bring an end to violence, persecution and arrests of a political nature, and to institute a real dialogue with all parts of Belarusian society.

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